An important announcement for our community,

Seasoned unequivocally supports the elimination of structural racism in our society, the empowerment of the black community, as well as every individual’s right to peaceably protest to achieve these goals.

We reiterate our commitment to our mission and purpose: to improve the lives of every hourly professional. 

We will start by asking: How can we promote equity and justice, and activate meaningful change for service workers and the service industry? What can we do with our community and in our local communities to help? What can our company do better? 

We welcome those in the service industry that are also seeking to accomplish these goals. We will collectively leverage our compassion, our company, and our platform to be a part of long-term solutions. Together, we will start to answer these questions and take action.

Email me at if you’d like to participate.

Ware, CEO, Seasoned

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