What I’m about to suggest may come off as counterintuitive. Are you ready for it? Here it comes: The best way to take care of others is by being selfish. I challenge you to wake up every morning and be self-absorbed.

As a hospitality professional, it is instinctual for you to take care of everyone BUT yourself.


Taking care of yourself needs to be the most important item you complete every day. You have the most energy in the morning. Channel that energy into developing yourself. Do not even think of redirecting it.

Commit to a series of self-improving behaviors every morning. Over time, in an attempt to save energy, your brain groups these behaviors together into a routine. Eventually, you don’t even think about these behaviors, they just happen. This will become your “morning routine.”

After studying the habits of over 330 successful restaurateurs and reading countless personal growth books I’ve developed my own morning routine. Here it is. Tweak it. Make it your own.

Wake Up. Drink 2 Glasses of Water  

Every morning I wake up and drink water. I pound it! Glug, glug, gone. Every part of your body needs water and when you’re deprived of it, you pay the price.


I start with drinking water because it is the easiest hurdle to get over when you first wake up. When you string these habits together, if you can get over the first hurdle, you are more likely to get over the following hurdles.

Meditate for 10 minutes

Next, I achieve “mindfulness.” Again, another pretty easy hurdle to get over since it is SO RELAXING!


Use your mind to control the world around you. You don’t need telekinetic powers to move the world around you. You just need the ability to be aware of your surroundings. To be mindful is to be proactive. Notice things. Change things. BOOM! World control.

When we are not mindful and aware, we are emotional and reactive. Meditation allows us to stay in that state of hyperawareness. When you’re hyperaware, you do what is best for you and those around you.


IMG_4584_524You’re awake, hydrated, and have clarity of mind. It is time to take care of the most important tool in the kitchen, your body. Not taking care of your body is a good way to cut a career in hospitality short, or make it much less enjoyable.

Additionally, exercise produces serotonin in your brain, which acts as an antidepressant. If you want a positive team, you need to be a positive leader. Exercise will make you a more positive person.


Albert Einstein said, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

The most effective way to become valuable is by obtaining specialized knowledge. Learning is a never ending processes. If you think you’re going to graduate college and never have to study or learn anything every again… Oh man, you’re in for a rude awakening.


Knowledge becomes really incredible when you are able to share it, and lift up those around you. Before you can share knowledge, you need to acquire it.



I wrap up my morning routine with by journal. You want to reflect on the past, present, and future. I ask myself: Who was I yesterday? Who am I now? Who do I want to be tomorrow? Is that tomorrow version of myself getting me closer to who I ultimately want to become?

Writing in your journal will:

  • Increase self-awareness
  • Increase self-accountability
  • Increase learning retention
  • Allow you to track personal growth


We love taking care of others in this industry. We do it best when we take care of ourselves first. You must make it a priority, and you must find a routine.

Here is the secret to forming a routine: make it easy. I’m talking stupid easy – participation trophy – easy. Going through the behavior is what forms the habit, not how well you perform the behavior.

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